Our Progress

Our scale provides the opportunity to work with other large businesses in Australia who are also making good progress in this space. We’ve been fortunate enough to learn from several of our industry partners, which guides us in our approach to generating impact without disruption in our own supply chain.

#2023/24 Underway

Our short-term priorities will centre on further collaboration with industry stakeholders to identify collective opportunities. Hutchies’ goal is to achieve a collective impact with many shared suppliers, all while minimising any potential disruptions.

Continued industry collaboration

Work with major industry bodies to identify opportunities for collective impact in engagement with shared suppliers and the processes, supporting resources and tools to support.


Develop training strategy

Develop training strategy relevant to each of our stakeholder groups across Hutchies to assist in understanding, provide practical tools, and ways to identify and manage risks.


Source new ethical suppliers

Expand our national procurement capability with other like minded ethical suppliers who are achieving great things in sustainable manufacturing and services.


Review grievance framework

Identify areas for refinement and improvement in whistleblower framework, develop scope to explore grievance reporting mechanisms and processes.


Subcontractor & supplier onboarding

Exploring new tools that can improve Hutchies’ onboarding of our partners to capture more data to better map our supply chain and increase visibility.


#2022/23 Achievements

Hutchies’ priority continues to be focused on establishing a foundation that improves visibility of and engagement with our complex supply chains. This year we’ve introduced a number of new initiatives that support these objectives:

Training of leadership

Partnership with Better Sydney to deliver industry specific relevant training to Hutchies’ Operations Team and Leadership.


New internal information hub

A resource for Hutchies' people that aligns with our supplier information on modern slavery (this area of the Hive).


Continuing to work with others

This year we've participated in various client and industry workshops and discussions to explore modern slavery risks in construction and the opportunities for the most effective roll out across the industry.


Undertake annual supplier survey

Hutchies has pencilled in our annual supplier survey to be sent mid-late April. This is sent via email to our top spend suppliers (around 800 contacts). The survey only takes a few minutes — if you are asked about it, please encourage and support your suppliers to complete it. If you need assistance, contact the Comms Team.


First offshore supplier audit

Hutchies' Facade Glazing Team, in partnership with Cbus Property, successfully audited one of our key offshore facade manufacturers in Malaysia. The learnings from this will be incorporated into our tools and resources to continue working collaboratively with our supply chain to reduce the risk of modern slavery.


Finalise Modern Slavery Strategy

We're working on an overall strategy to set out Hutchies' objectives and plans for the next few years. This will cover areas we're most interested in exploring to better engage with our suppliers, more visibility of potential risk areas, and tools that will help our people proactively manage potential modern slavery risks.


Finalise 2022/23 Modern Slavery Statement

As a reporting entity under the Act, Hutchies must submit a Modern Slavery Statement each year to comply with the legislation. The statement is publicly available on the Australian Border Force Modern Slavery Statement Register and we also publish it on our website. It covers our progress for the previous reporting period and sets out short term goals for the year ahead.


#2021/22 Achievements

These were the key improvements we made in the reporting period:

Contract clauses

New back to back legislative compliance clauses introduced into all new subcontracts and supply agreements.


Annual ethical supplier survey

Completed with our top spend suppliers and subcontractors to continue learning about our supply chain.


Supplier information hub

Developed for our partners to learn about compliance requirements, Hutchies’ expectations and their individual obligations.


New ethical working group

Established ESG team with representatives across the company to identify opportunities for continuous improvement.


Centralised procurement

Newly appointed National Procurement Manager to expand purchasing outcomes and prioritising ethical partners.


New report team

A new confidential way for anyone working with Hutchies to report any potential risk via email: report@hutchies.com.au



We will continue to evolve and refine our approach to reducing risks of modern slavery in our supply chains. We see a consistent approach to collaboration, support and engagement a key driver to greater transparency.

Expanding training

Following the training of our key stakeholders, Hutchies plans to roll out relevant training to our wider workforce. This will provide practical tips and tools to managing risk.


Expand training to subbies / suppliers

Using our own internal training learnings, we plan to open up relevant training to our supply chain partners to help them better understand requirements and compliance.


Improve supplier engagement

Using new our new onboarding tools we hope to increase supplier engagement to better map our supply chain and increase visibility.


Risk management tools

manage modern slavery risks across the company, on


Measure effectiveness

Following investigations of high risk areas, we will collect all findings and review our approach and strategy to establish our next steps in the process to minimising risk.
